Jonathan & Chelsea // Oregon Wedding

Second wedding of the year and neither of them were Washington weddings! I love getting to travel a bit to capture people's love stories.

It's incredibly fun to see Jonathan & his beautiful bride so stinking happy. Considering he was practically my brother growing up...I hoped & prayed he would find someone as crazy & wonderful as he is. Chels, you are just that. Love you both. Here are a few of my favs from your wedding!


Chris & Brooklynn // Georgia Wedding

This beautiful bride is a special one to me. I watched her grow from a little girl into an amazing young lady. Now she gets to share that amazing-ness with a boy. A boy! I remember sitting with her year after year talking about those scary & interesting beings called "boys". We talked about how to navigate relationships, how to respect them, what to look for & how to look past the cute exterior to ensure you were choosing someone with the heart to back it up. Seems as though she did everything right...I'm so proud of her (& him). Love you both so much!


Jake & Mackenzie // Spokane Engagement

This engagement session did not go as planned. Let's just say, some poor planning (and thinking) on Mackenzie & I's side of things made it quite the adventure. The best part didn't matter. We had a blast & made our "whoops" moment into a fabulous one! I love it when things don't go as planned. Cause this happens...


Chris & Allie // Spokane Wedding

I don't think I have EVER prayed this much about weather. Allie wanted snow. Problem was...Spokane seemed to be out of snow & just wanted to rain. The whole week, nothing but rain. So I prayed. I prayed there would be so much snow that it would make the city white again & it would last until pictures ended. Oh boy did God deliver. A winter wonderland DOWNPOUR. Allie & I relished in the cold & wet because we knew it was a miracle. Chris...well...Chris was distracted by his beautiful bride. At least enough to forget that we were torturing him in the weather. 



Andrew & Alisa // Spokane Engagement

YES was the word I found myself thinking, saying & feeling through every stage of these two lovebird's relationship. YES...I felt when my cousin Andrew called to tell me about a special new girl in his life. the question, "would you be willing to hide & take pics as I ask Alisa to marry me"? photographing their engagement & upcoming wedding. YES...I've prayed for the perfect girl for him for years. I'm just so dang excited. YES!